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Working with Emma

Emma works with clients over the phone and
face-to-face at her clinics in Yorkshire and London.

The modern lifestyle, pollution, high stress levels, poor diet, antibiotic use, and poor sleep are just a few of the factors which can be responsible for a wide range of common symptoms and illnesses. 

If ignored and left to progress these imbalances can lead to chronic dysfunctions that many people suffer from. 

As a holistic practitioner, I have chosen to specialise in coaching people to health and wellbeing through a holistic application of naturopathy, whole-food eating, stress management, lifestyle changes, spiritual and emotional development and exercise.

Read our client testimonials.


As a functional medicine practitioner, I aim to identify the causative factors that create my patient’s symptoms. I view the body as a system of systems; if one or more of these systems is out of balance this can create disfunction and a manifestation of symptoms elsewhere in the body.  

As a client, you will receive a personalised approach that is bespoke to you as an individual. Individual programmes are designed to match every client’s needs and personal requirements. Structured techniques and principles are applied including naturopathy, nutrition, stress management, lifestyle improvements, energy balancing and exercise where appropriate. 

Over the last 30 years, I have made a rule to only accept clients that I feel I can help and who are as committed to achieving health and wellbeing as I am to teaching and living it.  I work with clients worldwide through telephone and face to face consultations. In the UK I have two practices, one based at the London Vein Institute on Upper Wimpole Street, in central London and the other in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

“Ultimately if you do not take the time to be well, you will inevitably take the time to be sick.”

The human mind and body have unlimited potential to create, transform and heal. Growth, change, and self-healing are normal daily occurrences within each of us. Change is the essence of life and therefore inevitable. Healing is a form of change – from ‘dis-ease’ to a state of wellbeing. Your body has the blue print for optimal health and wellbeing, you only need connect your mind and body in order to activate this innate healing system. Negative emotions and limiting beliefs are two very common factors that can prevent us from changing, healing and succeeding. Anxiety, anger and sadness and non-supportive internal dialogue such as “I don’t deserve this” holds us back from creating our full potential and attaining our goals. The mind, body, spirit connection directly impacts our ability to heal and thrive. So in order to achieve profound and sustainable change, healing the mind, body and spirit need to be aligned and in agreement. I work “wholistically” to bring the mind and body into balance.

What it might involve

  • I use naturopathic techniques alongside functional medicine laboratory testing through a range of referral laboratories specialising in functional and biochemical assessments. These test help provide accurate information on the presenting conditions and contribute to the development of innovative health programmes that will increase your health, energy, performance and wellbeing. They will also give an overall picture and identify the causative drivers of health and wellbeing challenges.

    Each client’s needs are different, some of the tools and holistic and allopathic approaches I use include:

  • Nutrition and lifestyle approaches alongside nutraceutical/supplement support.
  • Bespoke programming dependent on a persons individual biochemistry, metabolic type and goals.
  • Energy balancing techniques
  • Emotional and mental balancing utilising NLP, Timeline, Hypnotherapy and NES treatments

  • Localised and systemic rebalancing with NES and FSM treatments

  • Laboratory and functional tests will be repeated as required