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The Importance of the Glymphatic System – part two

Written by Emma Lane

Following on from part one


In this day and age our bodies are bombarded by EMFs. From computers, to mobile phones to cell towers, EMFs are everywhere and the adverse health effects from compounded exposures are only beginning to be understood. In terms of sleep, EMFs have been shown to disrupt the pineal gland and its melatonin production which can be detrimental to a good night’s sleep.

To properly prepare for restorative sleep, turn off all wireless routers and turn mobile phones off or put in airplane mode while you are sleeping. This simple step can help facilitate a deeper brain cleaning session.


The importance of drainage support is covered in the previous lymphatic article. In summary, drainage can be stimulated through the use of certain homeopathic remedies , and through the improvement of the biochemical terrain of the body using targeted nutritional cofactors.


Heavy metal and toxin build-up is a huge problem when it comes to brain health. Many conditions we’ve been taught to think of as a normal part of aging (like brain fog and age-related brain degeneration) are often due to your body’s accumulation of heavy metals and other toxins. Aluminium, in particular, is one of the main reasons our brains are in trouble. There are statistically more significant amounts of aluminium in the brains of dementia patients. Therefore, taking a binder will help the body remove and therefore reduce the toxin load you, your body and brain are under.

Here are the binders I find are the most effective that I use in practice with patients:

Citri Cleanse

GI Detox



Blood flow and lymph drainage go hand in hand because your lymph and glymphatic systems use blood flow to drain toxins out of your brain and allow it to heal. Here are the best recommended supplements to assist in optimal blood flow, lymph drainage, and overall brain detox:

Magnesium – People with low magnesium often experience restless sleep and wake frequently during the night. Magnesium plays a role in supporting deep restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA; a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. Foods highest in magnesium include: spinach (cooked), Swiss chard (cooked), dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, almonds and avocados.


Zinc – Is the second most abundant trace metal in the human body and is essential for many biological processes and is well known as a sleep modulator. The use of zinc has been shown to increase the quality and quantity of sleep. Foods high in zinc include: pumpkin seeds, liver, nuts and seeds.

L-theanine – An amino acid found in green tea has been found to be a precursor to the neurotransmitters: GABA, Serotonin and Dopamine. These neurotransmitters work to regulate sleep, emotions, mood, concentration and other cognitive skills. L-theanine also reduces levels of chemicals in the brain that are linked to stress and anxiety. L-theanine has been shown to protect brain cells against stress and age-related damage.

GABA- is critically important to brain detox, GABA is known for its crucial role in reducing stress and anxiety, reducing pain, and promoting better sleep. It also plays a role in keeping your immune and endocrine systems balanced and controlling inflammation. GABA is also responsible for regulating your memory and mood, but most importantly, it moves your body into a calmer state, allowing you to relax into a full night of rejuvenating sleep. GABA levels are in fact, about 30% lower in people with insomnia and deep sleep and REM is critical for brain detox.

Your body produces GABA naturally, but chronic stress and nutrient deficiencies may inhibit GABA production therefore a liposomal GABA is very helpful.

Lemonbalm – This herb from the mint family is commonly used to soothe anxiety and help with sleep. Lemonbalm contains rosmarinic acid which supports cognitive health by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which degrades the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Studies have shown that age related cognitive deficits and Alzheimer’s may be related to low acetylcholine levels.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Composed of DHA and EPA, Omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish oil) are necessary for optimizing glymphatic health. DHA and EPA have powerful anti-inflammatory functions within the body and have been found to be especially necessary for healthy brain function throughout life.  These fatty acids are abundant in the cell membranes of brain cells, preserving cell membrane health and help facilitate communication between brain cells. Low levels of Omega 3 fatty acids are a contributing factor to deficits in brain function. Take a minimum of 1800-2500 mg of EPA and DHA to achieve a daily therapeutic dose.

Fatty Acids

There is a growing body of research demonstrating how certain supplements will support glymphatic clearance, particularly in people with reduced function due to sleep disturbances or genetic variations that inhibit its optimum potential. Examples of these:

Phosphatidylserine: A phospholipid that when paired with Omega-3 can reduce cortisol, regulate sleep quality, and preserve or enhance brain function.

Bacopa: Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat neurological defects, may reduce oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Gotu Kola: has the ability to enhance memory and nerve function, which gives it potential in treating Alzheimer’s disease. A 2012 study on mice found that Gotu kola extract had a positive effect on behavioural abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease. Gotu kola also has an anti-anxiety affect, helps with insomnia and can improve circulation.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ): Improves concentration, focus, and longevity.

Rosemary: Protects neurons from inflammation and Aβ plaque formation as well as inhibit neuronal apoptosis.

Vitamin D: Neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, including inhibition of amyloid formation and enhancement of amyloid clearance.


Supplementing with these and eating a diet rich in DHA and EPA omega-fatty acids as well as low in saturated fats can make a significant impact on the function of your glymphatic-meningeal lymphatic system.

Brain tincture

One of my favourite products and something I use every day is Nose-to-brain-oil. The Brain Tincture consists of herbs that increase blood flow in your brain including Gotu kola, Bacopa, Rosemary and many others and these herbs not only help with your memory and recall, but the bacopa and ashwagandha also helps nourish your adrenal system. When your adrenals are struggling, your sleep-wake cycle and stress response are affected, both of which affect brain detox.

There are many combined products that support sleep and/or brain health such as Full Focus.

Though these supplements are important for toxicant elimination and brain health, it is however most important to avoid or lessen your toxic load and stressors whenever you can. If you lower the amount of exposure, you lower the amount of toxins your brain has to deal with. I always recommend to patients, natural ways to protect and support the pineal gland and produce melatonin for proper sleep hygiene. This includes blue light blocking glasses at night and creating a safe sleep environment free from EMFs.

Life has many challenges, supporting your Lymphatic and glymphatic system on a regular basis will help you navigate the day-to-day challenges you face with clearer and functional healthy minds, protecting the brain from degeneration and reducing the potential expression of dementia and Alzheimer’s in the future.


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