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6 stars out of 5!

After years of unexplained health symptoms including extreme fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog and a collapsed immune system (meaning I was getting a cold or a flue every other week), I went to see Emma in late spring 2023. I can safely say she is the best healthcare professional I have ever met in my life by some margin (and I have met a lot).


Her holistic/functional approach has made an enormous difference in my life and the improvement in my health from when I first met her about a year ago has been incredible. The changes/tweaks Emma has made to my daily routine including diet, supplements, FSM, vagal toning exercises, passive detox and many more, have mostly been easy to implement but have benefitted my health enormously.


I am still not finished my journey with Emma but every one of my symptoms has radically improved and some have completely disappeared.  Her knowledge base is remarkable and I’d doubt anyone comes away from seeing Emma without vast improvements to their general health and wellbeing.


If I could give her 6 stars out of 5 I would.


Thank you Emma and team for all your help and guidance over the past year – I’m extremely grateful for you getting my health back on track.


Gerard (33 year-old London based professional)