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Newsletter 3

Hi Guys,

I wanted to send out another email containing helpful information and advice to support you in maintaining your health and wellbeing during these challenging times.

COVID-19 has turned normal life upside down.

In a very short period of time, we’ve gone from life as normal to lockdown, economic upheaval, and uncertainty about what comes next.

It’s been a surreal, disorientating, and frightening experience. If you’re feeling scared right now, its ok! Fear is our natural response to a threat. It’s part of what’s kept us alive as a species! And in situations like this, fear is much better than complacency.

However fear can also make us feel overwhelmed and powerless.

This is true right now when we’re dealing with a global crisis and realities that are changing day to day.

Remember that fear produces stress. Stress produces stress hormones that put you into fight or flight. (Health happens when you are in a parasympathetic state of rest and digest.)

If you find yourself feeling more anxious than normal, find techniques that help you to reduce your stress and anxiety. You can create a sense of safety and security when you dispel fear of the unknown and know you have a plan in place, should the need arise.

I would encourage you in these uncertain times to focus on what you can control. A few suggestions are below

  • Washing and spraying your hands.
  • Eating fresh wholefoods in line with your biochemical needs
  • Maintaining the rhythm of your physiology
  • Sleep and blood sugar balance being the most important
  • Adapting and learning to work from home.
  • Enjoy the time that is available to you to do the things you’ve kept putting off e.g. tidy out the cupboards, go through your wardrobe, clean up your inbox, read the book you’ve had on the shelf for months.
  • Exercise every day
  • Move regularly throughout the day
  • Limiting how much news you watch every day. Stay informed, however too much “breaking news” will break you down. Limit your news consumption to a single (short) block of time each day. 
  • Avoid foods that you are sensitive or reactive to, as 70% of your immune system is in your gut. So optimal gut function is incredibly important at this time, chew your food guys remember create great cephalic response.

Make good choices daily.

Please see the previous newsletter regarding making consistent lifestyle choices.

It is important that you make good choices daily to support your wellbeing. There are many additional things you can do, I have listed below some suggestion that you can use to support your immune system and self as a whole.

HOCl is an antimicrobial agent that kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and spores. It promotes health and stimulates epithelial growth for wound healing and skin issues, as well as reduces inflammation.

The current virus is known to spread through the breath, the mucous membranes (including the eyes) and other yet unknown routes.

Keep your face protected by using HOCl spray frequently, throughout the day, in the face and mouth, your hands and any other exposed surface areas. It is safe to spray into your eyes.

If you have to leave your home, spray your door handle, steering wheel, keys, phone, face and hands as you enter your car and exit your car. 

While at home you can use HOCl to spray down your countertops and tables. (Unlike traditional disinfectants you may be using, it is safe to ingest and won’t expose you to unwanted chemicals.)

The oregano spray is also an antimicrobial agent, however this SHOULD NOT be sprayed into the eyes, however it can be used for all other purposes listed above i.e safe to mist over face with eyes closed and into mouth onto hands and surfaces.

Take 3-10 grams Vitamin C divided doses through the day. Vitamin C has been shown in scientific studies to kill micro-organisms on contact, to boost immune function and to protect against oxidative stress.

Take 15-30mg of zinc per day. Zinc participates as a co-factor in many enzymatic reactions in the body, and it plays a role in maintaining immunity, reproduction, skin health, neurotransmitter function, and epithelial health. Zinc deficiency has been shown to cause mucosal barrier dysfunction and can lead to an increased risk of gastrointestinal infectious diseases. Zinc supplementation improves intestinal barrier function, intestinal permeability, nitrogen absorption, and increases immune responses.

In case of sore throat you may IF NOT ALLERGIC to iodine put 1-2 drops of Lugol’s iodine in a glass of water and gargle morning and evening. You can also try to inhale iodine (either on a salt pipe (look on Amazon) or if not available a couple of drops of Lugol’s on cotton wool) by taking 10 sniffs twice daily

Use iodine oil (10 parts coconut oil to one part Lugol’s) about a marble size amount on hands and face rubbed in before any foreign contacts. You may use this in addition to the hand sanitizer.

Vitamin D3 daily at least 2000IU per day. Vitamins D and K are essential for optimal bone and arterial health and for maintaining the immune system in proper balance.

Eat probiotic foods or take a broad spectrum probiotics.

Propolis products are extremely helpful as propolis stimulates anti-viral immunity in the mucous membranes. So nasal and mouth sprays are important at this time. As well as adding 10 drops to your drinking water each day.

Phosphatidylcholine is protective to cellular structures.

Antioxidants are super supportive to your immune system and health as a whole, this is one of the reasons you should be consuming the appropriate levels for your biochemistry of fresh fruit and vegetables. There are numerous antioxidant supplements such as resveratrol, quercetin, CoQ10, glutathione, vitamin E, polyphenols.

Please avoid selenium at this time especially if you think you have Covid 19 as it may have the same effect as ACE inhibitors do- they are known to increase expression of ACE-2 and therefore are known to increase the virulence of the virus.

Olive leaf has antimicrobial and antiviral properties and supports the immune system in defending against pathogens. The leaves contain an antioxidant comparable to vitamin E, along with flavonoids such as rutin and flavonol that also possess powerful antioxidant properties.

Curcumin increases natural killer (NK) cells has anti-viral & anti-bacterial properties along with being an anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory.

ACS 200 silver extra strength provides 200 parts per million of uniquely energized sliver molecules suspended in ultra-pure, deionized water; providing support for healthy immune and inflammatory response

Allicin has anti-viral, antimicrobial and powerful antioxidant properties

We have other broad-spectrum immune products on order that hopefully will be coming in soon, please email the office for more info.


Niacinamide/ niacin

I have put a biochemical explanation here as otherwise it will be difficult for some to understand why Niacin will be helpful. Please read this, you may not have an easy understanding but you will get the gist.

The cytokine storm happens once a virus is able to get inside the cell.

Niacinamide is what is going to cause the oxidative burst that kills the virus in the cytosol before it can gain entry. This activity is limited by the availability of NADH and NADPH that comes from niacin/niacinamide.

This is what happens biochemically: The innate immune system will start stealing electrons from the mitochondria and from the Pentose Phosphate Pathway in order to make the enzyme called NADPH oxidase, which causes the oxidative burst, kind of like a fire cracker blowing up the virus into bits and pieces. When you have a lot of virus in the cytosol of the tissue, the NADH and NADPH will become depleted.

Now, your innate immune system isn’t working efficiently. By giving massive amounts of electrons to donate from niacin/niacinamide, you will have plenty that is needed for the oxidative burst to kill the virus. This will also preserve the mitochondria and it won’t need to shut down production of ATP (energy) in order to donate the electrons for the electron steal. Now you are fully able to make the ATP needed to fight the virus. You also preserve the Pentose Phosphate Pathway in recycling NADP+ to NADPH that is needed to recycle glutathione, which will, in turn, recycle vitamin D, which in turn, recycles Vitamin E that is the terminal antioxidant that protects lipids in the cell membranes. Now you have sufficient glutathione to protect the detox pathways, to protect from free radicals, and to protect all of your mucous barrier systems.

Also providing niacin/niacinamide helps with eliminating all the amino acid wastes in the liver by making urea and deaminating glutamate! When your body’s limbic system notices that it’s fighting a serious pathogen, all of the neurochemistry will be up-regulated making lots of cortisol and neurotransmitters. This will cause anxiety! Niacin is needed here to metabolize them and get rid of excess glutamate.

If you do get sick and don’t have niacinamide or niacin handy, I suggest you get some very quickly.

This is a suggested protocol only, contact the office for further guidance re amounts. Suggested for a 70 kg adult – take 4 grams STAT, then 1 gram every 4 hours for up to 3 days.

If you flush (it is perfectly safe, you will feel hot and you will flush red and it may last for 30 min or so) you can take Vitamin C to help calm down the flush. This is a big dose but it’s not a lethal or toxic dose. They used to give up to 9 grams daily to help control cholesterol back in the day before statins came to the rescue of the Pharmaceutical companies that are now practically mandated for everyone to be on, which as you know is toxic to the mitochondria and to the brain.

Other things that will support you.

If you have a sauna please use it, there are many benefits

  • Spending regular time in an infrared sauna can help boost the immune system. Infrared saunas raise core body temperature, helping to keep the immune system strong and in good working order.
  • Increased oxygenation to peripheral tissues and cells
  • Increased elimination of harmful metabolites, heavy metals and solvents through the skin via sweat
  • Decreased burden on the liver due to increased elimination through the skin
  • Relaxation and reduction in stress
  • External and internal warmth
  • Increased metabolic rate due to increased temperature
  • Increased heart rate which provides heart rate variability

However if you start to feel any of the following get out straight away and next time reduce the temp and time and gradually over time increase either the duration or temp.

  • Dizzy
  • Light-headed
  • Faint
  • Intense fatigue
  • Excessively hot
  • Very fast heart rate
  • ‘sick’ toxic feeling

If you don’t have access to a sauna there are other things you can do to support your wellbeing

  • Mud Bath – these are fantastic and very effective. Follow the guidelines that come with the sachets.
  • Epsom Salt Bath – excellent as they provide sulfate and magnesium.
  • Skin brushing –  help support the lymphatic and immune system

I want to be very clear on why it is important to support your immune system at this time. Multiple studies refer to the damage or more severe damage occurring when the immune system doesn’t respond well, and viral replication gets out of control. People in the ICU, had higher viral loads. DOI:

Viral load was also shown to correlate with age, which is in turn associated with low immunity. This could explain the high degree of severe disease in older patients with COVID-19, according to a LANCET study.

The high viral load in elderly patients is associated not only with low immunity but also with high levels of the ACE2 receptor in older adults. ACE2 is basically the gateway on a cell where the virus is able to gain entry. Hence my request to not use selenium supplements at this time and one of the reasons to have Niacinamide on standby.


This newsletter turned out to be much longer than I intended, apologies for the overload of information, however I felt I needed to give you more understanding so that you can make choices to empower yourselves in these uncertain times.

If you wish to order any of the above we have limited stocks, I am keeping things back for clients and we have been able to place restricted orders however they are taking much longer to arrive and we have also been warned that they may not be able to sustain production.

I wish you all the best of health and strength to get through this difficult time. Please maintain contact with the office and make sure you have consultations booked in the diary (these will be via phone) we are here to support you for as long as we can stay open.

In health and happiness
